Happy Saint Nick’s Day!

Today is Saint Nicholas’s Day, which is celebrated in various ways across the world. Because nothing makes me happier than the idea of observing a full month of Christmas (Dec 6 to Jan 6 – Epiphany), I’ve decided to start observing this day with my family.
My plan is to just do something small to mark the day – we’ll have a special breakfast (read: not Cheerios, or at least not just Cheerios), and do some small stockings.
In our stockings today, for example, Saint Nick left everyone Christmas pajamas (these adorable ones for the baby) and a Christmas book to share (Merry Christmas, Ernest and Celestine).
I’m hoping to use this day to talk about the real Saint Nicholas as my baby gets older, and why we give presents at Christmas, but also just for fun. This post by one of my favorite bloggers has a good overview of St. Nick’s day and why they’ve decided to start celebrating it.
What do you think? Do you celebrate St. Nicholas Day? If so, how?
P.S. If the stockings in the photo look lumpy, it is most definitely something wrong with the camera, and NOT because I crocheted them myself without using a pattern. I call this style of crochet “Janie-rigged”. Actually, this style applies to all of my crafting attempts.