Books I’m waiting (im)patiently for

Posted by on Aug 5, 2012

Hokay so….yet again, epic fail on regular posting. But I’m back now, and instead of making promises, we’ll just see how long it lasts.

There are three books coming out in the soon-ish timeframe that I’m really excited about, so without further ado here are MORE things that I have to wait patiently for (besides the arrival of my child).

1. Blood and Betrayal – Emperor’s Edge series number 5 is due out early September, and is probably the book that I’m the most excited about. I mean, book 4 ended on a cliffhanger, so I think it’s understandable. Plus this is my favorite currently-being-written series. (See my series review here)

2. Next planned release is Timekeeper, the sequel to Timepiece (review here). It should be out by late September, but the release date has been pushed back once already, so we’ll see if it actually hits shelves (my kindle) on time.

3. Last up is The Mark of Athena, due out Oct 2. This is the third book in Rick Riordan’s Heroes of Olympus series, which I cannot believe I have not yet reviewed (spoiler alert: Strongly Recommended). The Heroes of Olympus series is the continuation and expansion of his Percy Jackson series (spoiler alert: also Strongly Recommended. There’s a movie. I can review that right here: “Don’t watch it.”)

While waiting very, very patiently for these books to come out, I’ve been rereading some old favorites, AND I have several books on my “need to read” list. More on that later…